家装123 发表于 2015-9-14 17:20

光与影的结合 可以把一般的现实画面 变得超现实

来自伊朗的摄影师Foad Ashtari 说光与影能够把一个一般的,常见的画面变得超现实,变得抽象化。当他街拍时,也就是光影给予的启发。
Lights and shadows make a real scene into a surreal one so anything can happen in a photo. I try to be at the correct moment in the correct place in order to record that moment and in this way lights and shadows are my inspirations. by Foad Ashtari from Iran.
图片来源:Foad Ashtari博客

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查看完整版本: 光与影的结合 可以把一般的现实画面 变得超现实